
Biografi / Biography
David Weissman
Filmskaper / Filmmaker
David Weissman er produsent og co-regissør av The Cockettes, og har vunnet en rekke priser både for denne og for dokumentaren We Were Here. Weissman tilbragte mer enn tre tiår i San Francisco, og var sterkt engasjert i de politiske og kulturelle miljøene i byen. Han har tidligere besøkt Oslo/Fusion i 2016, med sin dokumentarserie Conversations with Gay Elders.
David Weissman is the producer and co-director of The Cockettes. He was won numerous international awards for his work, not least for AIDS documentary We Were Here. Weissman spent more than three decades in San Francisco, where he was deeply engaged with that city’s cultural and political life. He previously visited Oslo/Fusion in 2016, presenting his ongoing documentary project, Conversations with Gay Elders.